
Electric wheelchairs are a modern and environmentally friendly means of transport. They can be used both outdoors and inside buildings - shops.
Electric trolleys/scooters are equipped with powerful electric motors that allow easy and quiet movement. Electric quads/tricycles have a choice of battery type and capacity. Available types are Li-ion or lead-acid VRLA/SLA.

Electric wheelchairs/scooters are often also called tricycles or quads. Some models have various functionalities and conveniences such as a folding function for easy transport, a bag holder, an ergonomic adjustable seat with armrests, a mobile phone charging function. Various accessories are also available, such as a sun canopy, seat belts, a stick/ramp holder, a wind cover, etc.
Electric tricycles, quad bikes are not only suitable for seniors, but also for those who have mobility limitations.
Our electric wheelchairs at offer efficiency and flexibility to get you where you want to go.

Available in a wide range of colours and designs, the online shop allows you to choose according to your personal tastes. Folding electric trolleys, folding scooters, folding tricycles and quad bikes - a wide choice all in one place. provides after-sales and after-warranty service and repair services.